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发表于 2018-9-12 09:10:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自 重庆

作者:徐彦龙; 袁仁智△; 吕有强; 唐鹏
甘肃省中医院,甘肃 兰州 730050

关键词:《针灸甲乙经》  心痛 针灸疗法

Abstract:By using data mining method, the original text of stating heartache in ZhenJiu JiaYiJing was searched, counted and analyzed through Traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support system (TCMISS), the results showed that acupoints selection for heartache in ZhenJiu JiaYiJing closely followed the academic thinking in HuangDi NeiJing, it adopted the method of corresponding channel distant points selection, especially, emphasized the application of special acupoints. The points in the prescription stressed the compatibility to improve curative effects. During the course, needling method should be used more, and supplemented by blood-letting therapy.

《针灸甲乙经》中心痛的疗法特点分析.pdf (798.57 KB, 下载次数: 28)

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