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发表于 2011-7-12 10:31:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自 重庆永川区
A Good Practice Guide to the Administration of Substances and Removal of Blood,Including Routes and Volumes
Karl-Heinz Diehl1, Robin Hull2, David Morton3, Rudolf Pfister4, Yvon Rabemampianina5,
David Smith6,*, Jean-Marc Vidal7 and Cor van de Vorstenbosch 8
1Aventis, PO Box 1140, D35001 Marburg, Germany
2N I B S C, Blanch Lane, South Miimms, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 3QG
英国赫特福德郡EN6 3QG波特斯巴镇South Miimms布兰奇道英国国家生物制品检定所
3The University of Birmingham, Medical School, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
英国伯明翰市B15 2TT艾吉马斯顿伯明翰大学医学院
4Novartis Pharma AG, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
5Centre de Recherche Pfizer, Etablissement d’Amboise, Z1 Poce´-sur-Cisse-BP 159 37401 Amboise Cedex, France
法国Amboise Cedex Z1 Poce´-sur-Cisse-BP 159 37401 Etablissement d’Amboise 辉瑞研究中心
6AstraZeneca R&D Charnwood, Bakewell Road, Loughborough, Leics LE11 5RH
英国莱斯特郡LE11 5RH拉夫堡市贝克韦尔路Charnwood阿斯利康研究中心
7Aventis, 102 Route de Noisy, 95235 Romainville Ce´dex, France
法国Romainville Ce´dex 95235 Noisy路102号安万特公司
8N V Organon, PO Box 20, 5340 BH Oss, Netherlands
荷兰BH Oss5340 20号信箱欧加农公司
Key words: blood volumes; blood removal; administration substances; laboratory animals; refinement.
This article is the result of an initiative between the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries Associations (EFPIA) and the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM).Its objectives are to provide the researcher in the safety evaluation laboratory with an up-to-date, easyto-use set of data sheets to aid in the study design process whilst at the same time affording maximum welfare considerations to the experimental animals.
Although this article is targeted at researchers in the European Pharmaceutical Industry, it is considered that the principles underpinning the data sets and refinement proposals are equally applicable to all those who use these techniques on animals in their research, whether in research institutes,universities or other sectors of industry. The implications of this article may lead to discussion with regulators, such as those responsible for pharmacopoeial testing.
There are numerous publications dealing with the administration of test substances and the removal of blood samples, and many laboratories also have their own ‘in-house’ guidelines that have been developed by custom and practice over many years. Within European Union Directive 86/609EEC1 we have an obligation to refine experiments to cause the minimum amount of stress. We hope that this article will provide background data useful to those responsible for protocol design and review.
This guide is based on peer-reviewed publications whenever possible, but where this is not possible we have used ‘in-house’ data and the experience of those on the working party (as well as helpful comments submitted by the industry) for a final opinion. The guide also addresses the continuing need to refine the techniques associated with the administration of substances and the withdrawal of blood, and suggests ways of doing so. Data-sharing between laboratories should be encouraged to avoid duplication of animal work, as well as sharing practical skills concerning animal welfare and scientific problems caused by ‘overdosing’ in some way or another. The recommendations in this guide refer to the ‘normal’ animal, and special consideration is needed, for instance, during pregnancy and lactation.Interpretation of studies may be confounded when large volumes are administered or excessive sampling employed, particularly if anaesthetics are used. Copyright ã 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

良好的实验动物给药和采血(包括途径和体积)规范指南.rar (44.37 KB, 下载次数: 19)

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发表于 2011-7-16 19:44:25 | 只看该作者 来自 四川成都

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