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发表于 2013-12-6 12:17:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自 山东淄博
本帖最后由 开始神话 于 2013-12-6 12:19 编辑

2013年12月4日讯  -西雅图的Blaze Bioscience公司获得了约900万美元的天使投资用于发展肿瘤标记相关研究。这次融资将Blaze获得的投资总额提升至1900万美元。这笔投资将用于研发这种标记方法BLZ-100的一期研究以及后续的中期研究。BLZ-100能够将肿瘤细胞进行标记,有助于手术完全切除肿瘤组织,提升患者术后存活率。


Seattle-based Blaze Bioscience has rounded up $9 million in venture cash from a wide circle of angel investors willing to back the biotech's push into the clinic with its first "tumor paint" product.

Blaze, the brainchild of Jim Olson at the Fred Hutch, is getting ready to ramp up its first clinical study of BLZ-100. CEO and cofounder Heather Franklin says the new injection of cash will pay for the Phase I study along with some follow-up early stage efforts as they set the stage for mid-stage development of the product.

This second round brings Blaze's total raise to $19 million.

The product marries an Optide--what Blaze calls its brand of optimized peptides--and a fluorescent dye. The Optide is designed to attach to a cancer cell and illuminate the cancerous tissue for surgical removal, upping the odds of survival for patients.

Franklin says that rather than take the traditional route of a venture round, looking for a few big investors to back the company, she went back to the ranks of individual investors who seeded the company to begin with. Armed with successful animal data from a study of dogs with cancer, she found about 70 investors willing to pay for this next stage of development.

"There are some logistical issues," says Franklin, "but I really enjoyed it. I developed a relationship with each and every one of them."

The key for this second round was the animal data, says the CEO. A total of 27 dogs with cancer took part in the study after their owners gave investigators written permission. The group included four dogs with sarcomas and one with lung cancer.

"You don't usually see that," says Franklin about the canine lung cancer case. And in one case investigators were able to save a dog's leg, rather than leave it with only three to hobble on.

The Phase I trial will focus on skin cancer, with investigators in Australia trying it out in a dose escalation study. A success here would set the company on course for additional fundraising, and Franklin says she has high hopes of partnering with another company in 2014.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-6 12:17:27 | 只看该作者 来自 山东淄博
Novo believes its future sales growth will come from China and other international markets.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-6 12:19:39 | 只看该作者 来自 山东淄博

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